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Public Hearing 7/10/07
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting Public Hearing held on Tuesday July 10, 2007 in the Old Court Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.
PRESENT: Al Cramer, Joan Plouffe, Joe Hemingway, Guy Howard, LeReine Frampton, one member of the public, one member of the press.

ABSENT: Carolyn Signorelli

Chairman Al Cramer called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.  
1.  Peggy Baiad, Budd Drive supports bifurcation of the budget.  She spoke with many Town residents who also support splitting the budget and questioned why the Commission was against bifurcation.  Mr. Hemingway responded that splitting the budget would create more divisiveness in Town.  Mr. Howard added that one of the positive sides of bifurcation is that it would make both the Board of Education and Town government more accountable, but concluded that in most cases in towns that have split the budget, the Board of Education has been hurt the most.  

There being no further business Mr. Cramer adjourned the meeting at 7: 10 PM.  

                                                Patrick M. Kelley, Clerk